A place to tap into the creative community
Greenfield is a town of many artists.
However, even in an area with so much creativity it's still easy to get stuck in one's own process and lose sight of the creative opportunities that exist all around us.
Working at home where we are immersed in our own daily environments can make it difficult to discover new approaches to our craft and can be very isolating.
Madhouse Makerspace is here to help you avoid falling into that rut by offering a social work environment where it's easy to meet other local creatives!
Pricing and schedule
For a monthly rate of $100 artists will have access to the makerspace during our normal operating hours (7am to midnight) Sunday through Thursday. On Fridays and Saturdays the space can be reserved hourly but will remain accessible to all monthly renters outside of reserved hours. Hourly reservations must be booked at least 2 days in advance and will be viewable on our website calendar.
For an additional monthly fee of $15-$30 per unit (depending on size) artists may rent on-site storage in the form of supplies cabinet units or painting storage units. Painting storage can accommodate paintings up to 4'x5' in size.
What our makerspace has to offer
In addition to a collaborative environment our makerspace comes equipped with a variety of on-site tools and lockable personal storage.
2 long folding tables
2 small folding side tables
2 large standing easels
6 small tabletop easels
12 chairs
a sewing machine
a tabletop loom
an adjustable drafting table
a light pad (for tracing)
Start working at Madhouse today!
Interested in the makerspace? reach out today to schedule a visit or inquire about using the space.
Email: madhousemultiarts@gmail.com
phone: 413-588-7446